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Cut the Wood to Make Your Own Bookshelf!

5 minute read

Time to cut the wood for this DIY bookshelf! This has been a long time coming, but it’s FINALLY time to cut all the wood for the brackets. We have a plan....

ACTUALLY Milling the Bookshelf Wood

5 minute read

It is time! :tada: :trumpet: I know exactly what we want to do with the bookshelf, I’ve inadvertently practiced milling on wood that I now can’t use, and ...

Final Bookshelf Plan Change I SWEAR!

7 minute read

Despite the fact that we lived with the mockup for a few weeks and decided it was good, after milling up the wood, we realized that the bookshelf would lo...

Building a Large Bookshelf Mockup

3 minute read

*Checks watch* :watch: IT’S BEEN A MONTH SINCE MY LAST POST! :scream: Finally time to start getting this bookshelf project off the ground! I’m going to ...

Visiting the Lumberyard

8 minute read

My second time ever visiting a lumberyard, but my first time purchasing wood there for a project! I’m excited that I’ll be able to pick out some wood with...

Console Bookshelf Planning

8 minute read

My most substantial woodworking project to date! A wall-to-wall bookshelf that will also double as our TV and game console stand—and I’m sure we’ll find s...

Choosing My First Woodworking Project

3 minute read

(The following took place on the week of September 12, 2023) I haven’t done almost any woodworking in nearly 15 years. But I want to get back into it! At...

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DONE! Airy Bookshelf DIY Final Results!

9 minute read

I started this project to learn basic woodworking skills to make furniture and wooden house projects. Like many woodworkers starting out, I wanted to do a...

Making Router Table Drawers - Part 2 of 2

11 minute read

In my last article, I built the drawers for my router table cabinet. I had a few issues with the fit, but I’ll be fixing those now, and will walk through ...

Outfeed and Work Table: Part 2 of 2

7 minute read

(The following took place on the week of November 05, 2023) Time to finish this mobile work table! In part 1, I did the planning, bought the materials, ...

Modular Clamp Wall

9 minute read

(The following took place on the week of October 15, 2023) I’ve been so excited buying clamps and other tools for my shop, that I forgot about something ...

Hair Bow Box: Final Fabric and Reveal

4 minute read

(The following took place on the week of September 12, 2023) This will be the last article in this project series :astonished: Continuing from my last ar...

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Bookshelves DIY Experiment Results!

5 minute read

The Bookshelves DIY experiments are complete! At least, they will be… I’m going to review the results from last time, and then redo some of the experiment...

Bookshelves DIY Experiment Day!

5 minute read

Time again to learn basic woodworking skills with some experimentation :smiley: I’ll be using the new Dowelmax, applying whitewash to wood (but modern loo...

Building a Large Bookshelf Mockup

3 minute read

*Checks watch* :watch: IT’S BEEN A MONTH SINCE MY LAST POST! :scream: Finally time to start getting this bookshelf project off the ground! I’m going to ...

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Outfeed and Work Table: Part 2 of 2

7 minute read

(The following took place on the week of November 05, 2023) Time to finish this mobile work table! In part 1, I did the planning, bought the materials, ...

Outfeed and Work Table: Part 1 of 2

6 minute read

(The following took place on the week of November 05, 2023) I’m using my table saw with its small surface size, cutting away at a large sheet of plywood....

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Making Router Table Drawers - Part 2 of 2

11 minute read

In my last article, I built the drawers for my router table cabinet. I had a few issues with the fit, but I’ll be fixing those now, and will walk through ...

Making Router Table Drawers - Part 1 of 2

9 minute read

Since my last article, I’ve ordered a few more tools for the upcoming console bookshelf project. Guess I’ll just wait around while they are shipped out… ...

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ACTUALLY Milling the Bookshelf Wood

5 minute read

It is time! :tada: :trumpet: I know exactly what we want to do with the bookshelf, I’ve inadvertently practiced milling on wood that I now can’t use, and ...

Milling the Bookshelf’s Main Wood

4 minute read

After living with the bookshelf mockup for a few days—weeks :sweat_smile:—we’re pretty pleased with it! I’m going to move forward with the plan and get al...

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Bookshelves DIY Experiment Results!

5 minute read

The Bookshelves DIY experiments are complete! At least, they will be… I’m going to review the results from last time, and then redo some of the experiment...

Bookshelves DIY Experiment Day!

5 minute read

Time again to learn basic woodworking skills with some experimentation :smiley: I’ll be using the new Dowelmax, applying whitewash to wood (but modern loo...

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Intro Post

1 minute read

:wave: Hello and welcome to my blog! You can call me Pixel :space_invader: I have always had a passion for building things, starting out my career as an ...

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State of the Workshop: January 2024

9 minute read

Time for a shop tour! Every now and then, I’ll be taking a snapshot in time of the workshop. The purpose will be to see how it changes over time, and also...

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Visiting the Lumberyard

8 minute read

My second time ever visiting a lumberyard, but my first time purchasing wood there for a project! I’m excited that I’ll be able to pick out some wood with...

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Visiting the Lumberyard

8 minute read

My second time ever visiting a lumberyard, but my first time purchasing wood there for a project! I’m excited that I’ll be able to pick out some wood with...

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Making Router Table Drawers - Part 1 of 2

9 minute read

Since my last article, I’ve ordered a few more tools for the upcoming console bookshelf project. Guess I’ll just wait around while they are shipped out… ...

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