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    Modular Clamp Wall

    (The following took place on the week of October 15, 2023) I’ve been so excited buying clamps and other tools for my shop, that I forgot about something important… where am I going to store them?? :rofl: Clamp storage that is sold in stores a...

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    Outfeed and Work Table: Part 1 of 2

    (The following took place on the week of November 05, 2023) I’m using my table saw with its small surface size, cutting away at a large sheet of plywood. I begin to struggle with the awkward weight of pushing this large sheet through the saw....

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    Outfeed and Work Table: Part 2 of 2

    (The following took place on the week of November 05, 2023) Time to finish this mobile work table! In part 1, I did the planning, bought the materials, then cut and finished the wood construction of the table—I would say that was the hard par...

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    State of the Workshop: January 2024

    Time for a shop tour! Every now and then, I’ll be taking a snapshot in time of the workshop. The purpose will be to see how it changes over time, and also to give you, the reader, a more detailed look, as well as my goals for the future of the ...

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    Making Router Table Drawers - Part 1 of 2

    Since my last article, I’ve ordered a few more tools for the upcoming console bookshelf project. Guess I’ll just wait around while they are shipped out… :thinking: FALSE! This is a perfect time to make some drawers for inside my router table!...

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    Making Router Table Drawers - Part 2 of 2

    In my last article, I built the drawers for my router table cabinet. I had a few issues with the fit, but I’ll be fixing those now, and will walk through my thinking on how to solve the problems. I’ll also be installing the drawer handles and r...

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